Senior Anxiety and Depression

by | May 9, 2024 | Overcoming Challenges, Especially for Seniors | 0 comments

Any form of depression at any age can have life changing effects, but for Seniors, especially those who are dealing with physical health issues, it can take all one’s energy to see any possibilities for happiness.

Now, especially with the time I spend at the Brecksville Human Services working with seniors, I have become even more acutely aware of how deeply depression can over-ride any chance for happiness.

Let me be clear, I have seen some very happy and productive seniors at the Center, playing cards, quilting, doing Yoga, Bingo and I happily witness them chatting and laughing, planning trips provided by the Center. As I walk around the Center, I am never surprised by the frequency with which they will share jokes, current experiences or plans with me.

However, sadly, there are others I see at the Center, and on rides I take through this beautiful community, that appear paralyzed emotionally by physical health issues, mobility problems, and the depression that robs them of all joy and motivation. The brighter a person is, the more mental energy they have, but depression can neutralize that energy, and create even more depression.

As a psychologist, now retired, I am making an effort to reach out to the community as a “Life Coach” to help these seniors and their caregivers ( family ), pro bono. My goal is to assist these seniors in overcoming depression, anxiety, and self-sabotaging thoughts no matter what the source.

The plan is to get to know the Senior (s) well enough to understand what they need, then to continue either individual and/or group support, whichever they prefer.

Then also provide Support to their Caregivers when needed or requested.

Gene Benedetto, Psychologist Emeritus, Life Coach
Life Coach at the Brecksville Human Services Center


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