Avoiding Personal Help with Anxiety, Depression and Fears

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Overcoming Challenges, Especially for Seniors | 0 comments

Now being a Senior, I spend time at our Human Resource Senior Center either exercising or Coaching fellow seniors experiencing varying degrees of depression, anxiety, loneliness, frustration or just lack of motivation. I am finding through experience, that many seniors avoid asking for help. Why ? They may be embarrassed, feel they cannot change what is happening to them or just feel no one cares.

As an example, my wife and I were at an enjoyable musical event at our Senior Center last evening, being musically entertained by an especially talented big band known as the TOPS, an all Senior group of musicians. They were great, and for two hours, they gave we seniors something else to focus on besides our aches and pains and sometimes negative thoughts.

However, having been in the profession I was, I noticed some seniors in the audience, who like me, had walkers, rollators, or were limping into the room, while others seemed lost in their thoughts. While thinking how great it was that the Center has these programs, during coffee breaks and intermissions, I overheard more than a few talking about having a “rough time” but they were distracted from their negative thoughts and pains when they would become immersed in the lyrics of some the the songs and the memories those tunes stimulated. Then there were a few others that seemed to struggle more and that I interpreted as signs of anxiety, depression and frustration with real life issues. All it took was a comment from me saying, “How are you doing tonight, enjoying the entertainment.” Most would say, “Yes, I can’t believe these guys are so good in their 80’s, even the head of the group is 90 !”

I respectfully made some effort to further approach a few of these seniors during intermission and their responses reinforced my thoughts of what I could do to help them feel more in control of what they were feeling and thinking and not dipping back into negative waters as often. No, I did not hand out cards. However I did mention to a few that if they ever needed a friend to chat with, I was available…and there was no fee. They both seemed to be responsive. Hopefully they will spread the word , and so will you ! Most importantly, take advantage of the offer, or attend one of our Senior Group Discussions in the near future.

We all need to be more aware and more responsive to senior issues.

Gene Benedetto, Psychologist Emeritus, Life Coach


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