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As a Psychologist, now retired,  my goal with this Blog, Forum and Chat/Seminar Room is not to offer you therapy, but to teach, support and motivate…to be your Coach.

Many people are experiencing Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia or OCD but are not realizing or dealing effectively with the conflicts that may be causing those symptoms to take over their lives.

Some of you are dealing with Controlling and Manipulative people or physical, sexual or emotional Abuse that either you avoid seeing for what it is or fear setting boundaries and shutting down the Narcissistic, Sociopathic or even Psychopathic  individuals that are sapping the energy from your life.

Many of you need greater motivation to Overcome Challenges, whether physical or emotional, in order to continue to grow in Self Esteem.

Therefore, these are the areas I focus on in the Blog, but it is ever expanding.

How to Navigate this Interactive Blog

1] You do not have to be Member of RuledByFear.com to read all the Articles in the Blog. The New Discussion Forum and Chat/Seminar Room is only for Members.

However, there is no fee to be a Member and take advantage of our expanded services and offerings. To become a Member, see further below.

2] Leave Comments in reaction to any article at the end of any article or…

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4] Leave Comments in reaction to any article at the end of any article or to remain anonymous.

5] Explore our Discussion Forum, “Taking Control”

6] A Chat/ Seminar Room

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