I speak with many people who are experiencing some very real challenges in their lives that they could allow to be all consuming or devastating.
A writer who develops Parkinsons Disease.
A therapist who has a stroke and cannot speak.
A surgeon who survives a plane crash, but as a result, he or she does not regain full use of his hands.
A Tool and Die maker who cannot stand any longer and lost use of his dominant arm.
While these can really be traumatic and life changing events, in some cases the individuals have options to use their talents and skills in some other way, rather than just accept that their life is over.
We all have potentially valuable skills that may not have been tapped.
The writer above can learn to dictate his or her words instead of become tragically frustrated by the physical inability to write or type.
The therapist can create a Blog to reach out to others and share the gifts he has to offer as a therapist.
The Surgeon, even if actual surgery is out of the question, can teach at a medical school.
The tool and die maker can make creative adjustments with his tools and make baby cribs for the baby dolls for kids at some of the most prestigious children’s hospitals .
I have seen each of the above situations with my own eyes and have witnessed a miraculous re-energizing take place with some clients I have had the pleasure of working with over the years.
We all need to explore our gifts, or in some cases re-explore talents that we have abandoned in the past for whatever reason, and focus that energy on bringing worth and value back into our lives, and the lives of others.
Gene Benedetto, Psychologist / Retired
The Benhaven Group