Recovery from a Health or Emotional Crisis

by | Feb 18, 2022 | Overcoming Challenges, Especially for Seniors, Self Esteem | 0 comments

When many people experience a significant set-back in their health, such as a condition that might require surgery, significant treatment or physical therapy, or a situation where one must adjust to living their life with a handicap, it can feel overwhelming, and emotionally paralyzing.

On the other hand, many experience personal sexual, physical or emotional abuse, or have suffered the mind-numbing experience of being controlled and manipulated in a relationship with a Narcissist or Sociopath. These emotional crises can also cause a person to doubt themselves, and feel weak and out of control. It can easily diminish self-esteem.

Many will be caught off-guard by such experiences, where they feel their life is suddenly out of control and don’t know how to cope.

While I would really truly recommend individual counseling at these times, the need for a Support Team of friends, family and professionals,i.e. physical therapist, Minister etc., to help one find their way through these sometimes life-changing and very challenging times is essential.

Certainly, one needs to take the steps mentioned above, but it is also important that we re-adjust as to what else one does to be productive. We need to get rid of the paralysis that comes with many traumas, by also and gradually becoming more productive again with our careers or avocations to what ever degree possible so that we realize there is still a world out there that we are a significant part of even after a crisis. If one is retired, then they must explore or expand on avocations, where they can feel value. An example of this would be helping to run a support group for others who have suffered similar crises. A person needs to feel useful and be doing something productive with their life’s energies, which helps their own recuperation, but give new meaning to their life,

Gene Benedetto, Psychologist/Emeritus/Coach


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